Monday, January 4, 2010

The beginning of Now

I'm not the Titanic! WTF does that mean? Well last year I was diagnosed with Bi-Polar disease, my loving husband then nicknamed me momma polar bear. So funny Mr. Kane. I started thinking in the way of the Arctic and have named the hurdels in life icebergs. And I will not be like that ship and let those icebergs sink me.
This is the beginning of now and hopefully I will be able to make it an interesting story. I need a place to air things out and question the universe. I am still trying to come to terms with bi-polar what that means, how it affects me, my family, and my faith. I am a child of God I do not apologize for that if you are not. I will reference my faith, God and Jesus quite a bit. If you are a non believer DO NOT attack my God or faith if you do not like it don't read.

I am also struggling with an unhealthy relationship with food. This is the only relationship in my life that I have every endured the abuse heaped upon me and lied down and took it.
Starting on January 12 I am embarking on a long term weight loss goal. I want to lose 70 lbs going from a size 18 to 8. I know it will not be easy or fast I just want to lose 1-2 lbs a week for the next year and a half. My husband is joining me on this adventure and hopefully I will not drive us over the edge like Thelma and Louise. We are taking multiple modes of transportation on this trip. Starting with the South Beach Diet, exercise, acupuncture, and learning how to let my emotions out in a more healthy ways. Which is the also one of the reasons for this blog.
I will tell you the truth, some days this will be nothing than a bitch session. I will try to make it more productive and interesting but no promises.
These are my thoughts opinions and feelings please respect them even if you do not agree. If you feel that I have said something wrong and would like to correct me please do it respectfully and tactfully. If you are rude and snotty I will put you in your place. If you do not like what I have to say, God gave you free will ,don't read it. Thank you and God Bless.

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